When was the last time…….Blog Challenge day 3

When was the last time you were vulnerable, seen, raw with emotion?  It’s good for us to do that.  Speaking your truth even when you know that you’ll be seen raw and naked.  I just did this last night.

From the blog of Freedom & Empowerment Campaign.  I did a video blog of my experience of dating violence/abuse that I went through in university.

If you want to see the full blog from the web page, please visit here:

Freedom and Empowerment Campaign Blog

That is it for me tonight, I’m tired………

Blog challenge

So it’s January 1st, 2013…….Wow!!!

I’ve chosen to join a blogging challenge blogging each day for 31 days.

What will appear I haven’t the foggiest….it will be fun though to write each day, even if it’s just a little blurb.

As for this one, being the first day of January 2013, what sorts of intentions have you set for yourself?

Last night as I was enjoying the radio and a cup of tea, I also created a mind map for what I wanted for 2013.   To be vulnerable and to be seen I’m going to share them here with you.  I have 6 intentions.

In 2013 wouldn’t it be cool if I……

1.  was interviewed on local TV stations for Wonder Girls Camp.

2. traveled being paid to share my story on a national and global scale.

3. take more steps to transition to full time entrepreneur.

4. wrote a best selling book.

5. have Wonder Girls Camp go National and Global.

With the sixth one I’m going to keep it to myself for a little while.  I may share it, I may not…….

Well, I am pretty excited about this coming year, it’s already started out with a bang.  I was just asked today to be the Canadian Ambassador for the Freedom & Empowerment Teen Campaign.  It is a global organization to inspire and empower teens and young women in university who have been through abuse/dating violence.  As a thriver from being in one during university, it is a dream to be able to give back in this way to the next generation.

So if you are dreaming big, what are your dreams?  Keep going!

It’s all in YOUR Attitude Goddess!

Who else in the world loves the magic and wonder of social media?  I for one can say that I love all the connections that have been happening for me.  Been meeting so many fantastic women in business who are all similar in our mission, and drive.  And they are all over the world!   I want to share a few of them with you.

First off for you in the awesome Goddess Lea from Attitude Goddess Lea is first off from Australia!  How awesome to connect with her while I’m here in Alberta, Canada!

Lea is an author of the book “Attitude Goddess”.  She shares her wisdom about all the flavours of the Goddess, and how to bring each one out to play.

Not only is she a best selling and award winning author, she has other gifts to offer women who want to go deep into their Goddess energy.  She teaches and inspires women to find their inner power which is at our core as women.  She inspires and invites women to be feminine, to be strong yet soft, passionate, and compassionate for others and herself.  As well as challenging women who maybe more in their masculine energy to stand and speak her truth, and speak her mind.

Lea is a woman with a vision and mission.  She is a coach, NLP practitioner, and is currently completing her doctorate in metaphysics.  You can find so many nuggets of wisdom and brilliant writing throughout her website.

What drew me to her page on FaceBook is that she wants all women to embrace their Goddess energy.   To be feminine, dancing always and in all ways.  Our feminine power is strong, not weak.  It needs to be celebrated and encouraged.   The energy is shifting on the planet, even his most holiest Dali Lama said that the world will be saved by the Western woman.  And for this to happen, it’s time for women to shine, collaborate, glow and grow together.